Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Baby By Any Other Name...

...is still a Baby.

The Obama Care/Birth Control/Hobby Lobby issue has sparked some research on my part. I was interested because of the effect Obama Care will have on Christian institutions and Christian owned companies that don't believe in abortion and, therefore, don't wish to be forced to provide emergency birth control pills as part of their health coverage. This issue basically hinges on one point -- when a human life begins.

Before legalization of the common birth control pill (a.k.a. "the pill") in the United States, medical institutions defined life as beginning at conception (fertilization). But in 1965, five years after the pill was made legal, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (A.C.O.G.) CHANGED their definition of conception as follows, "Conception is the implantation of a fertilized ovum.” The A.C.O.G. later found they had a problem with this definition as well, for by the time the baby implants in the uterine wall, it is referred to as a blastocyst. So due to a 1972 revision, the A.C.O.G. today defines conception as "the implantation of the blastocyst.”

Most chemical forms of birth control function not only to prevent fertilization (in various ways) but also to inhibit implantation. By changing the definition of conception from the time of fertilization to implantation, the A.C.O.G. and other medical institutions could tell women that “the pill” did not end a baby’s life but rather prevented it, thereby effectively convincing women that “the pill” was a contraceptive and not an abortifacient (a medication or substance that causes pregnancy -- a fertilized egg -- to end prematurely).

It is a scientific fact that a fertilized egg immediately begins growing as it travels down to the uterus, where it will usually lodge in the uterine wall in order to get needed nutrients to maintain the life which has already begun. The pill alters the effectiveness of the uterine lining, thus making it difficult for the baby to implant. And if the baby can't implant, it dies. Thus, one of the main functions of “the pill” and other chemical birth control is to cause the life of a baby to end or, in more simple yet direct terms, to kill a baby.

For many years, women knew that life begins at conception (fertilization). The only way the medical and pharmaceutical companies could promote their new drug, and the many that followed, was to change the definition of conception, as they eventually did using the argument that a woman's body doesn’t know she’s pregnant until implantation. But this is a bogus argument, for in actuality, the reverse is true. The purpose of the woman’s cycles is to prepare for pregnancy. Each month her body goes through many changes to enable and to provide for pregnancy. It is only when a new cycle begins that the body knows that she is NOT pregnant, unless of course she has been practicing abstinence.

Another variation of the same argument is that pregnancy is not established until implantation. In this they seek to imply that the ovum/zygote/blastocyst (notice the medical community's name changes to make a baby less human sounding) isn’t truly alive until it implants. This belief, however, is unscientific. Dead cells do not multiply and nor would they implant. Only a living growing mass of cells (a baby) could implant in order to continue life, not to begin it or "become alive."

For over a generation, women have been willingly taking drugs that, unbeknownst to them, are correctly categorized as abortifacients. Over this time and today, women continue to be deceived because they have placed their trust in their doctors and in the medical community to be truthful and honest with them. All the while, countless numbers of innocent lives are being terminated, in essence snuffed out of existence. It is time their message be clearly heard.

For more information on this subject, please visit:

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