Monday, April 29, 2013

Pregnancy At 31 Weeks

All About Baby

fetal development at 31 weeks illustration

Baby's lungs continue to mature. As her lungs become more developed, the chances of her surviving if born prematurely increase. Her skin, which has been wrinkled, now becomes smooth as fat cells fill out her body. Baby knows Mother's voice. Singing to her, talking to her, and telling her all about the world she'll be joining soon is a great way for Parents to bond with Baby—and each other!

Baby's fingernails have grown and may even need a manicure after she's born. Baby weighs around 3 pounds, 8 ounces and stretches to around 16 inches (crown to heel).

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Pregnancy At 32 Weeks

All About Baby

fetal development at 31 weeks illustration 

Just like Mother, Baby will establish a daily routine. Mother will notice at times Baby being active and wiggly, while at other times still. Once born, Baby will most likely continue his in-utero pattern. Along with a routine, Baby has a favorite position, too. A favorite is likely to have his head down and rump up towards the ribs, the perfect position for labor.

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Pregnancy At 30 Weeks

All About Baby
fetal development at 30 weeks illustration
This week, Baby's face looks much like it will when he's born. He still needs to fill out more to get the characteristic chubby infant cheeks, but he's on his way. He can move his head, open his eyes, and make breathing movements through his open nostrils (although no air comes in).

If Baby were to be born today, he'd have a good chance for survival at about 3 pounds and a little over 15 inches long (crown to heel).

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Monday, April 8, 2013

Pregnancy At 29 Weeks

All About Baby
fetal development at 29 weeks
Baby is filling out this week. She's adding fat to insulate her body for the day she leaves Mother's cozy home. Mother can probably distinguish between feet and hands, head and bottom when Baby-to-be moves inside you. She takes practice breaths but won't breathe air until delivery.

Baby's growth has begun to slow down now, but she will still gain approximately four pounds between now and birth. If she were born now, she would be able to breathe, but might tire easily and need assistance. Her little eyes are sensitive to light.

[Picture and (edited) information provided at]

Monday, April 1, 2013

Pregnancy At 28 Weeks

All About Baby
fetal development at 28 weeks
Baby's survival rate outside the womb increases as each week passes. If he didn't open his eyes last week, chances are he'll take his first peek this week. Baby's skeleton and muscles are maturing quickly. This week he can turn his head from side to side. Also, by this week of pregnancy, most of Baby's lanugo has disappeared, and he may have a full head of hair.

[Picture and (edited) information provided at]