The following material excerpted from a fifth grade social studies course produced by Christian Light Publications shows some of the biblical stands taken by Christians during the American Revolutionary War. Like in most cases, a minority will truly take a stand for what is biblically right and not fall prey to pressure or to the popular movements of the time.
US Anabaptists during the Revolutionary War
Everyone Favors Independence
The Loyalists. Not all the people could say "Amen" to
independence. A sizable minority stayed loyal to King George. These loyalists
were called Tories by the revolutionaries.
Why did the Tories stay loyal? Some
Tories supported the king because they thought the revolutionaries were
rabble-rousers. In their minds democracy meant mob rule, tarring and
feathering, and destruction of property. Other loyalists agreed with the patriots
about "no taxation without representation." But they wanted to solve
the dispute in such a way as to remain in the British Empire. Independence went
too far for them. The patriots considered all loyalists traitors. Most of the
new states passed laws taking away the loyalists' property. Patriot mobs
attacked prominent Tories. Those found helping the British were imprisoned.
To escape mistreatment, many
loyalists fled to areas held by the British army. Around 100,000 went to
Canada. But most stayed and tried not to attract any notice. To uncover these
secret Tories, the states required everyone to swear an oath of allegiance.
Some angry loyalists served in the British army. The Revolutionary War was
actually America's first civil war in which brother killed brother.
The Liberties of Nonresistant
Christians. Some Americans supported neither
side in the Revolution. Instead, as Mennonite and German Baptist leaders said
in 1775, "We have dedicated ourselves to serve all men in everything that
can be helpful to the preservation of men's lives, but...we are not at liberty
in conscience to take up arms to conquer our enemies, but rather to pray to
God, who has power in heaven and on earth, for us and them." Chief among
these nonresistant Christians were the Quakers, Mennonites, German Baptists,
Moravians, and Schwenkfelders.
Most nonresistant Christians were
quite content with their lot as British subjects. As three Mennonite bishops in
Pennsylvania wrote in 1773, "Through God's mercy we enjoy unlimited
freedom in both civil and religious matters." Ironically, once the fight
for liberty started, the freedom of nonresistant Christians became sharply
limited. (Underline emphasis mine.)
Militia Duty. The first issue that peace-promoting Christians faced was
militia duty. After Lexington and Concord, patriot committees called all
able-bodied men to join a voluntary association "to learn the art of
war." The associators noticed that the nonresistant Christians did not
join in the drills. They demanded laws requiring everybody to serve.
In November 1775, Mennonite and
German Baptist ministers sent A Short and Sincere Declaration to the
Pennsylvania assembly. They suggested an alternative to militia duty. They
would donate money to help poor families left destitute because their men were
off fighting. Instead Pennsylvania passed a law levying a special war tax on
all non-associators. Later it said nonresistant Christians could hire
substitutes or pay a fine. Most nonresistant Christians refused to do either,
because as the Short and Sincere Declaration stated, they found "no
freedom in giving, or doing, or assisting in anything by which men's lives are
destroyed or hurt." Therefore, Patriot officials confiscated their
property to pay the tax and fines.
Free Quakers. A small number of Quakers abandoned their nonresistant
convictions to fight for liberty. But most Quakers did not consider these to be
real Quakers. They disowned any members who took up arms. In Philadelphia a
group of disowned Quakers formed a new church, the Free Quakers.
is Caesar?
Independence created another problem
for the nonresistant Christians. Was King George III or was the Continental
Congress the Caesar they were to obey? Many of them had promised obedience to
the king when they came to America. Breaking their word was seen as a serious
sin. Also, the king had protected their liberties. Now the patriots were taking
them away.
In the end the nonresistant
Christians put their trust in the words of the prophet Daniel in the Bible, "He
removeth kings and setteth up kings" (Daniel 2:21). They patiently waited
for the outcome of the war to find out who God would set up as Caesar. In the
meantime they followed a pattern of strict neutrality. They refused to help
either side to fight.
However, when hungry, sick, or
wounded soldiers, whether patriot or redcoat, needed aid, the nonresistant
Christians gave it. As a Hessian officer said, "They are the most
hospitable to us." The patriots did not understand this impartial love.
They threatened men like Mennonite Christian Weaver with a whipping for feeding
runaway British prisoners even though he had done the same for Continental
soldiers. (Underline emphasis mine.)
The Test Acts. In 1777 most states passed Test Acts. They required
everyone to take an oath of allegiance promising to defend the revolutionary
cause with arms. Pennsylvania law decreed banishment and confiscation of all
property for those who refused the oath.
Fanatical patriots used the Test Act
against nonresistant Christians. In Northampton County, officials left
"not a morsel of bread" for the children of ten Mennonite men who
refused to take the oath. The authorities threw the men into jail at Easton.
Two of the men's wives, Eva Yoder and Esther Bachman, appeared before the
assembly and begged for mercy. Moved by the women's plight, the assembly
revised its Test Act. It reduced the penalties to double taxation and loss of